We are planning to introduce Grind Mills through a JICA project aimed at improving the organizational capacity of vocational training centers in the Republic of Senegal. One unit will be installed at the Senegal-Japan Vocational Training Center (CFPT) in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, and another unit will be installed at a private company in the Saint-Louis province that works with the CFPT.
The CFPT will provide technical training on the maintenance and assembly of Grind Mills to the instructors of the organization. The trained instructors will then teach the same skills to CFPT trainees so that CFPT graduates will be able to take up positions in the maintenance and assembly of Grind Mills.
The private company in Saint-Louis will operate and maintain the Grind Mill and verify the feasibility of promoting Mrind Mills in the region through the sale of rice husk briquettes.